Online Retirement Auction
- AuctioneerVan Massey
- Date/Time02/26/25 at 7:00pm - 04/01/25 at 7:00pm
- Website
- License Number1711 & 1289
Bidding Ends: Tuesday, April 1st • 7:00 pm
Location: 1960 Abernathy Rd., Lynnville, TN 38472
Very Nice Farm Equipment, etc. Selling for Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Pipkin
Items Include: 6130 JD Tractor, Loader, NH 7230 Discbine, JD
328 Sq Baler, JD 10’ Cutter, Vicon 423-T Rotary Rake, Pull Type
500 Sprayer, 3 pt Hole Digger, Several Trailers, Running Gear
Wagons, Much More, Very Nice Equipment, Well Cared For.
Here are some of the items being offered at this auction: