Farmers Equipment Reduction Sale
- AuctioneerLynn Lee, Dave Myrick, Joe McKee
- Date/Time02/27/25 at 10:00am - 02/27/25 at 12:00pm
- License Number5762
Middle Tennessee Area Farmers Equipment Reduction Sale
Thursday February 27, 2025 • 10:00 A.M. CST
7231 Cainsville Pike, Lascassas, Tennessee
Sale Will Be Live And Online With Equipmentfacts
JD 8R410, MFWD, 2021, 1151 hrs.
Case IH Maxxum 150, 4x4, 35 hrs.
Case IH Magum 215, cab, 4x4, auto steer, supended front axle, front duals, 6216 hrs.
Case IH Magum 215, cab, 4x4, front duals, 3808 hrs.
Case IH Magnum 210, cab, MFWD, 2085 hrs.
JD 7410, cab, MFWD, 740 loader, joystick, 2009, rack & pinion front axle, corner exhaust,
power quad, 5473 hrs., new tires
JD 6105 M, cab, 4x4, 24 speed, reverser, 1732 hrs.
Farmall 75C, cab, 4x4, 12x12 trans., hyd. shuttle, L620 loader, 350 hrs.
Farmall 75C, cab, 4x4, 12x12 trans., hyd. shuttle, L620 loader, 1355 hrs.
NH T6020, cab, 4x4, Tiger side arm cutter
JD 4630, cab, duals 520/85 R38, quad range, 8400 hrs., full set front weights
sells separate
JD 4630, cab, syc-range; IH 1466, canopy
Kubota 9540, canopy, 4x4, Memo ML500 loader, 4952 hrs.
IH 686, canopy, 8621 hrs.; IH 584
trucks & trailers
Chevrolet C65, 1976, single axle, 5&2 speed, gas 427, air brakes, Shurlock roll over top,
18’ bed,new tires, 33,000 original miles
Peterbuilt, 2001, 379 Extended Hood, Cat 6NZ, sleeper, 18 speed, lots of chrome,
638954 miles
IH Pro Star Semi, 2015, tandem, sleeper, 827,660 miles
Volvo semi, 1989, 9 speed, 60 series Detroit, tandem, sleeper,
Ford 9000 Tandem Grain Truck, 20’ bed, 1982
Mack Tandem Dump Truck, 1984
Ford F450, 2008, 4x4, 6.7 diesel, auto, 312,094 miles
Chevrolet 2500, 1997, 4x4, automatic, a/c
Toyota Tundra, 2002, 4x4, PW, PL
Wilson Pacesetter Hopper Bottom, 2017, 102 wide, with vibrators
Jet 22’, 2016, single hopper bottom, single axle trailer
CPS Steel Hopper Bottom Trailer, 1994, 40’
East Dump Trailer, 30’, frame type, roll over tarp
Flat Bed, 48’, 5th wheel trailer (with a 3200 gallon water tank, tank sells separate)
Van Trailer, 48’
Featherlite Aluminum Cattle Trailer, 32x8, dual tandem, 25’ hay rack on top
Circle W Cattle Trailer, 24x 6, 2 cut gates, metal top
Sundowner 2 Horse Bumper Pull Trailer, dressing room
Miller Pintle Hitch Trailer, 18’, tilt top; Bumper Pull Trailer, 16’
planting & tillage equipment
Kinze 3600 Planter, 16 row, 30”, AG Leader 1200 monitor, AG Leader hydro down force,
electric drivers, controls, 2x2 nitrogen, John Blue ground drive pump, 1500 acres
on complete rebuild
Kinze 3600 Planter, 16”, 31 row, KMP II monitor
Kinze 3600 Planter, 12/23 row, row cleaners, no-till, Integra monitor, cut offs on rear
Kinze 3600 Planter, 12/23 row, cut offs on rear, bulk fill, no-till, kmp iii monitor
Case IH 1255 Planter, 12 row, row markers, nice
Case IH 955 Cyclo Air Planter, 6/11 splitter, new disk openers, yetter colter cart
Great Plains 3N3010P Drill, 30‘, 7 ½ spacing, wheat & soybean disc, row markers,
(less than 500 acres on complete rebuild)
Great Plains No-till Drill, 15’, 7 ½ spacing
Haybuster 1575 No-till Drill
Land Pride 2611, 11’, mts no-till seeder, less than 50 acres
Case IH 330 Turbo Till, true tandem, basket rollers, rear hitch, like new
Case IH 496 Disk, 25’
Mandako Landroller LR5842, 30’, new tires
Brillion XL 144 X Fold Cultipacker, 32’
Brillion Excel 108 Cultipacker, 21’
Krause Disk, 14’; Athens 131 Bogg, 10’
MF 11 Shank Chisel Plow; Freshen Seed Tender
IH 450 Plow 4 Bottom, auto reset
Patriot 2 Box Seed Tender, tandem axle, brakes & lights
harvesting equipment
JD X9 1100 Combine, on tracks, 2022, 289 engine hrs., 167 separator
JD 9870 STS Combine, 4x4, duals, rock trap, auto steer, Starfire 3000 receiver, 3000 engine,
1879 separator hrs.
Case IH 7120 Combine, 4x4, 2009, rock trap, chopper, 900x32 tires, 3287 engine hrs.,
2364 separator hrs.
Case IH 6088 Combine, 4x4, duals, rock trap, Pro 600 monitor 3765 engine,
2770 separator hrs.
JD 5400 Self Propel Silage Chopper, pickup head
JD CF18 Corn Head, 2021, cut less than 350 acres
JD RD45F Hydroflex Draper Head, 2021, cut less than 450 acres
JD rd45f Hydroflex Draper Head, 2021, cut less than 500 acres
JD 640FD Draper Head, 40’
Mac Don 2162, 2012, 35’ flex drapper
Mac Don 2162, 30’ flex head, belts are 2 years old
Case IH 2208 8 Row Corn Head, 30” rows, new chains & sprockets, less than 600 acres
Horst chcf Header Trailer, 2021, 45’
Horst chcf Header Trailer, 2005, 45’
Horst header Trailer, 4 wheel steer, new, 45’
Ja-Mar Header Trailer, high speed, 31’
Ja-Mar Header Trailer, 36’
EZ Trail 680 Header Trailer, 26’, big tires
Devastors For Corn Head, 8 row
Brent 1196 Track Grain Cart, 2016
j&m 750-18 Grain Cart, new tarp, hy. spout
EZ Trail 710 Grain Cart,, tarp
EZ Trail 510 Grain Cart,, new tarp
j&m 620 Grain Cart, corner spout, scales, tarp
Farm King 10x71 Grain Auger, swing hopper
EZ Trail 230 Gravity Wagon
Westfield 61 Auger Parts
hay equipment
Mac Don Disc Mower Conditioner, 16’
Case IH DC 103 Discbine, rollers, swivel hitch, 130 acres
Case IH dcx 101 Discbine, rubber rollers
Agco 3309 Discbine, rollers
Agco 3009 Disc Mower, 9’
Krone AM 283S Disc Mower
Krone KW 5050 - 4x7 Tedder, hy fold, 17’
Bush Hog HT 417 Tedder, 30 acres
Kubota TE4052 Tedder, hy fold, like new, 17’
Enorossi 8 Wheel Rake, new never used
Frontier WR1010 10 Wheel Rake
NH 256, Dolly Wheel Rake
ohs Dual Rake Hitch, built by AG Class @ Oakland High School, works great
Case IH RD465 Roto Cut Round Baler, less 500 bales
auctioneer note
Great line up of late farm equipment from Middle Tennessee area farmers. Go to our website for pictures and updates. There will be more equipment added to the sale.

JD Tractor
Auction Date: Feb 27, 2025Auction Time: 10:00am
Lascassas, TN

Auction Date: Feb 27, 2025Auction Time: 10:00am
Lascassas, TN

Auction Date: Feb 27, 2025Auction Time: 10:00am
Lascassas, TN

Case Tractor
Auction Date: Feb 27, 2025Auction Time: 10:00am
Lascassas, TN